External Call

In this example we will demonstrate call of the map client from external website or from an external application. This example was created in version, so it won't be compatible with older versions.


This document contains

  • detailed instructions on how to make it,
  • complete Test Project,
  • source SHP files or Sqlite database.

Live example:

To display an example in new window, click here .


To test map server call from external web site use the form below:




1. Server settings

Local server address:
Theme ID [ThemeID]:
Username [UserName]:
Password [Password]:


2. Area settings

Without area definition
Default area by the middle point and scale
Middle point [MarMiddlePoint]:
Scale [MarScale]:
Default area by rectangle
Default area by rectangle [MarExtent]:
Start Marushka with localization:
GID of localization query [MarQueryId]:
Number of localization query parameters [MarQParamCount]:
First parameter [MarQParam0]:
Second parameter [MarQParam1]:


3. A list of layers after initialization

A list of switched on publish layers [MarUid]:
A list of switched on info layers [MarUidi]:


4. Environment parameters

Show/hide individual controls:
Vicinity [MarVicinity]:
Scalebar [MarScalebar]:
Menu [MarMenu]:
Toolbar [MarTools]:
Active panel index (0-5) [MarPanelIndex]:
Panel exapand [MarPanelExpand]:
"Layers" tab [MarPanelLayers]:
"Legend" tab [MarPanelLegend]:
"Find" tab [MarPanelFind]:
"Print" tab [MarPanelPrint]:
"Info" tab [MarPanelInfo]:
"Draw" tab [MarPanelDraw]:
Theme menu [MarTheme]:
"Application" button [MarApplication]:
"Measurement" button [MarMeasurement]:
"Info" button [MarPreselect]:
Activating function Info [MarPreselectOn]:
"GPS" button [MarGPS]:
"KN" button [MarKN]:
Controll cross for movement in map window [MarCrossBar]:
Popular query [MarPopularQuery]:
Additional options:
Html head file name [MarHTMLHead]:
Html foot file name [MarHTMLFoot]:
Web browser window title [MarWindowTitle]:
Zooming using the mouse wheel [MarWheel]:
Window target name [MarWindowTargetName]:


5. Special application

Application (GetFenceMode):
URL site for processing:
Maximum fence limit [MarFenceLimit]: